Veterinary medicine is a cause worth advancing.

Maryland Veterinary Political Action Committee

The Maryland Veterinary Political Action Committee needs your help! We are in need of contributions from veterinarians throughout the state to help us accomplish our legislative goals in Annapolis. Regular dues that are collected to be a member of MDVMA cannot be used as campaign contributions, so a PAC is set up associated with our association to help collect and distribute funds that support our efforts to be heard by our state legislators. Without a healthy PAC, the MDVMA will be very limited in our ability to influence the legislative process.

Prefer to pay with a check? Make payable and mail to:

Maryland Veterinary PAC

PO Box 363

Hershey, PA 17033

What is a Political Action Committee (PAC)?

A political action committee is a type of organization that collects and pools campaign contributions from its members and donates those funds to campaign for or against candidates, initiative, or legislation.

An Active Maryland Veterinary PAC gives our association:

Political credibility

Better access to developing relationships with state legislators

Opportunities to support and elect candidates who understand the challenges that impact veterinary medicine, animals–both large and small, research, and small business issues

Why Should You Donate?

EVERY veterinarian in this state is affected by bills that pass into law and try to dictate how we treat our patients, our clients, or run our businesses.

If you are concerned about:

Animal and public health

Animal welfare

Licensure issues

Taxes on veterinary services and other business issues

Pharmacy laws

Encroachment of animal rights groups dictating the practice of veterinary medicine

Veterinary education

Agricultural issues

then you need to donate to the Maryland Veterinary PAC!

Invest in your future and the future of our profession by making an annual contribution to the PAC. Your contribution will have a direct effect on our ability to continue to advocate for veterinarians, veterinary medicine, and animal health and welfare.

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